Encryption update

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Encryption update

Post by Qualintitative »

The encryption library we used initially for EgoWeb 2.0 will no longer be supported by newer versions of php. That means we have to convert to a new encryption to keep up with supported versions of php, which means that current installations of EgoWeb 2.0 will have to undergo an un-encryption and then re-encryption process. We are working to make this easy to do and are nearly complete. The idea is that a server / localhost with EgoWeb 2.0 already installed with an older version will be given a message warning of this conversion. If the user has access to files that need to be changed, the new process can run. If not, the user does not have to do anything and can keep the older version. However, this is dangerous in the long term as older versions of php are not going to be supported, etc.

I'm limited in my ability to describe all of the issues but that is the basic story. I'll post screen shots of what I am referring to as we continue / complete testing.
David P. Kennedy
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Re: Encryption update

Post by Qualintitative »

I recently tested this and was able to convert an old version of EgoWeb 2.0 with the old encryption to the new one. I have to write up some instructions. There are some odd things in the current informational pages that need to be better explained. But it was simple when I finally figured out how it was supposed to work.
David P. Kennedy
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Re: Encryption update

Post by Qualintitative »

I found a problem with re-encryption with multi-session studies that link alters across studies. This seems to have been skipped in the re-encryption process. We are looking into it.
David P. Kennedy
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