Setting up a multi-session survey

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Setting up a multi-session survey

Post by aterhorst »


I have set up EgoWeb to track a project team's engagement with other parties (ego-alter) and collect information about other parties' relationships with others (alter-alter). I want the project team to visit the site regularly to update information (re-interview/multisession).

Is there an example template I can use to do this?
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Re: Setting up a multi-session survey

Post by Qualintitative »

There is some info in the wiki (point your browser at No templates but some info about multi-session set up. There have been A LOT of changes to these features since the wiki was last updated. There are a lot more options. But the main starting point is to program multiple surveys and the link them in study settings with the same EgoID field.

Once you have the studies linked, any interview with that same ID will have a merged set of data, so the previously named alters will be available to ask questions about in subsequent interviews for example. Also any question answered previously could be displayed, or expression skip logic could be used based on those questions. I'm not exactly sure what you are planning but it seems like the basics for what you need are there.

I need to work on instructions for using all of the multi-session features some day.
David P. Kennedy
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Re: Setting up a multi-session survey

Post by aterhorst »

Thanks. These are my draft questions. I need to figure out the one-to-many thing (EGO - one or more ALTER, ALTER - one or more ALTER).

TIME_STAMP (automatically generated?)

Select who you are from the drop-down list
  • NAME_GENERATOR (multiple)

    Name who you have engaged with over the past period. [firstname lastname]


    Who do they work for? [name organisation]
    What is their email address? [name@domain, don't know]
    Type of engagement. [research collaboration, business development, advisory]

    ALTER_ALTER (multiple)

    Who have they been engaging with? [firstname lastname of other person]
    Who do they work for? [name organisation]
    What is their email address? [name@domain, don't know]
    Type of engagement. [research collaboration, business development, advisory]

    So you are saying after each period, I create a new survey based on the same list of participants?
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Re: Setting up a multi-session survey

Post by Qualintitative »

Sorry I missed this. I usually get notifications of new posts. I might have thought it was an old one. I think we sorted everything out over email, right?
David P. Kennedy
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