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EgoWeb 2.0 code is provided on an “as is” basis and the user assumes responsibility for its use. This code has not been peer-reviewed or otherwise evaluated beyond the development team and is made available without guarantee. EgoWeb 2.0 developers are not responsible for errors and is not committed to maintenance, updates or support.

If you have questions about using EgoWeb or an question related to doing network data collection, please go to the newly created EgoWeb Discussion Forum. Comments to pages on this wiki will be added to the forum over time along with answers to have a better organized set of frequently asked questions and answers archived.

EgoWeb 2.0 developers are interested in hearing from you if you encounter a problem with the software. Please post your question on the forum. If it is an issue that requires a less public response, you may send an email to David Kennedy at to report an issue. If it looks like a general question that can be answered in public, I'll will request that it be moved to the forum so that it can help all users/potential users/future users.

Whenever you report a problem, please try to include a screen shot of the problem you encounter, as well as a thorough description of the issue, to help us better troubleshoot. Include info about how you are using EgoWeb 2.0 (on a server, installed on a Mac/Windows machine, mobile, etc.).

If the problem you identify is a general problem that impacts all potential EgoWeb 2.0 users, we will investigate and will make every effort to remedy the problem as soon as staffing and funding allow. If you have a need for more immediate help or have a need that is specific to a project, let us know that you are interested in establishing a formal consulting agreement.

Help Improve EgoWeb 2.0

EgoWeb 2.0 is a community project, with code available at GitHub. We welcome further development of the software from you or your project team, through programming partnerships or grant funding. Contact us at to let us know how we may partner with you.

Reinaldo Cabrera PerezReinaldo Cabrera Perez, 2021/10/30 08:45
I'm trying to install Egoweb on a Windows machine. I was able to do it up to step 2 (downloading AMPPS). When I click on PHPmyadmin, it asks me for a username and password that I don't have that. The website does not give me the feature to create an account either. Did anyone run into that issue? If yes, how were you able to fix it? Thanks in advance!
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2021/10/30 16:34
I saw this question in the forum and replied there. Maybe upload a screen shot of where you are clicking "PHPmyadmin". I usually just go to localhost/phpmyadmin and do not click on anything, so I am not sure what click you are making where.
Hyunsung OhHyunsung Oh, 2021/08/11 16:05
Hello David,

This is Hyunsung Oh at ASU. I had to vacate the social network research due to imminent needs of COVID-19 health disparities within Arizona. Now, I am looking forward to getting back to the social network study again.

I am finalizing my survey installed in Egoweb 2.0.
While working with NETWORK REVIEW, I found a question. I do not see Ego-Alter Line and Ego itself although I set the options within Authoring.

Do you have an answer for this issue? I look through this wiki, yet was not able to find the answer.

I have a meeting with an internal medicine doc who wants to help her diabetes patients. I think the network review piece can get me an interesting material for conversation with patients.

Look forward to learn your brilliant answer.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2021/10/30 16:33
Hi Hyunsung, sorry just saw this now. Comments in the wiki are not easy to see and do not promote conversation. Going to the forum ( is the fastest way to get my attention.

Oh I see that we already discussed this on the forum:

The answer is the same, we have not developed that part for viewing the network via data processing. It is only available in a Network question during an interview. It would not be that difficult to add but I generally visualize data I collect outside of EgoWeb, in R. If I was going to invest in developing these features, I would do more with building an R interface that directly accessed data in EgoWeb databases and would, therefore, have the full power of R and R development instead of duplicating effort within EgoWeb for data analysis.
Hyunsung OhHyunsung Oh, 2021/11/01 15:34
I get the same question over and over.
Thanks for the reminder.

CarlosCarlos, 2018/12/09 20:01
I've installed EgoWeb in a linode server. It worked fine when I first installed it but now when I hit "Click here to log in" in the first page the following message comes up:

Error 500
GD with FreeType or ImageMagick PHP extensions are required.

Is there something I need to change in the installation?
Sydney WaringSydney Waring, 2018/11/27 09:28

Am I able to create the interview so that alter name interpreters are only asked about a random subset of the total alters generated?

David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/11/30 19:15
Hi Sydney,

No, sorry! Good idea, but there is only one random number generation feature and that is at the ego level. Adding more functionality for choosing subsets of alters based on something other than previous alter questions is a good thing to put on a to do list but it does not exist right now.
Jamie McGloinJamie McGloin, 2018/11/06 22:31
Hi David,

I reinstalled Egoweb & receiving the CDbException error when accessing localhost.

i'm on a windows machine and the mac fix doesnt apple to me.

Can you please help?

David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/11/09 15:15
Hi Jamie,

I have been testing this out on my own machine to see what might be the problem since I have heard a few users run into some recent trouble. I was not able to install because there is a new version of PHP that does not work with the encryption engine. However, I just tried the Mac fix (using AMPPS) for my own Windows machine and that worked fine. Everything is the same except for file locations (Macs store AMPPS files in "Applications" and Windows puts them into "Program Files" and you can skip Step 6 completely because there isn't a problem with hidden files for Windows machines like the Macs. At least that is what worked for me. I'm going to update the instructions. Maybe if you want you can give it a try and let me know how it went.

Nick DuncanNick Duncan, 2019/02/06 07:28
I am having the same problem as Jamie. I have mentioned this in another post, but perhaps it is useful to insert it here too. I am not clear what the Mac Fix using ampps is.

Jill KauvakaJill Kauvaka, 2019/04/25 14:44

In case you haven't found a solution yet, I was running into the same problem. I had to drop the egoweb database through phpmyadmin.

Then I changed the config file for MySql. Open up AMPPS and click on the gear next to the MySql label - then click on to change the config file. Look for [mysqld]. Paste 'innodb_force_recovery = 0' (without quotes) underneath [mysqld]

Then recreate database and follow the rest of the instructions.
ArolinArolin, 2018/10/30 08:21
Hi David,
Thank you for your advice the previous time about the installation process. I have another 2 questions this time about EgoWeb.
1. When I tried to export the data, to have the network statistics calculated we would need to have included a network statistic expression. Why do some expressions appear while others don't? For example, I had a simple expression on an alter-pair question that showed but the simple expression on the alter question didn't show. I'm in general confused about how to use expressions, especially the counting and comparison expressions. I would be really thankful for some advice on this.
2. May I know if the data file exported will work with R?
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your advice.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/10/30 12:44
I recently re-wrote a lot of the wiki info about exporting data. You can find it under "Data Processing". Here is the link:

I think the new text might help answer your questions. The expressions serve a few purposes. They primarily define when a question should be presented to a respondent or not. Counting and comparison expressions are not very intuitive and I would love to revamp how they work, but they are ways to change which questions appear or not during interviews based on previous question responses. Most of the time I just use simple and compound expressions.

Simple expressions about alter-pair questions also help define an edge from the alter-pair raw question data. The edge definitions are necessary for drawing edges in graphs in network questions and when viewing a network in data processing. They are also necessary for exporting network statistics along with the ego and alter level raw data. Basically they define how to dichotomize the edge from an alter-pair question for calculating density, degree centrality, etc. The only relevant expressions for the network statistics export are the alter-pair expressions, so that is why they are the only expressions that show up in the drop down menus for edge expressions (to avoid confusion).

As for using R with the data exported from egoweb, yes this is what I use all the time. The data are exported as .csv so that they can be exported into most any other statistics program. The variables that come directly from EgoWeb 2.0 data export are limited to just a few. EgoWeb is mostly used in conjunction with other analysis programs and R packages because there are many of them that are being developed and there is no reason to duplicate effort.

Till Krenz created an R package called "egoR" (formerly "egonetR" but changed to avoid confusion with the package "egonet") for processing egocentric data and he added an EgoWeb import function. I have not used this package much yet but worked with Till to format the EgoWeb output in a format that enabled consistent importing.

It is on CRAN. Here is the link to the egor description:

Here is the repository on github:
ArolinArolin, 2018/11/07 19:36
Hi David,

Thank you so much for your advice and the links. They were really helpful.

Alexandra ThompsonAlexandra Thompson, 2018/10/16 03:42
Hi, I have installed EgoWeb on my laptop. When I'm following the instructions to author a new interview I seem to have a lot of sections missing such as the Alter Questions.

Any idea how I might rectify this?

David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/10/16 15:24
Hi Alexandra,

I'll be working on revising the instructions over the next month or two before I give a workshop at the next North American Regional Social Networks (NASN) Conference:

Lots of things changed when we added multiple name generators. We decided to make the entire questionnaire authoring section more flexible, so that you do not have to have hard coded sections of ego questions first followed by the name generator then the alter section then the alter pair section then network questions. You can put them in that order but now it is more mix and match.

Most of the instructions for ego questions, alter questions, etc. are still the same but now there is just one question section and you can choose to make each question an alter question, ego question etc.

This page gives an overview of these new features:

I have to convert the screen shots for the old instructions to the new features. We still have some minor tweaks to make to finalize this work so I was putting it off until that is finished. But I will be doing that soon.
AntjeAntje, 2018/09/20 18:14
I installed EgoWeb2.0 on an AWS server and it is running perfectly (as far as I can tell). We have already concluded two separate surveys (same questions but different cities) but on the third survey participants get "Participant not found" when prompted for the Ego ID.

There is no obvious error. The name (in fact we use an email address) that is used for an ID is spelled correctly. The link for this ID is correct. It works on my computer but not on theirs. I quick feedback would be very much appreciated, as this is a live survey. Thank you!!!
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/20 18:36
Here are a few thoughts off the top of my head. You mention the spelling of the email address and that is typically a problem but make sure the case matches and there are no additional spaces, etc. You can make it work on your computer but that could happen if you are logged in to EgoWeb as an admin/super admin. Make sure you are logged out to test an external participant. What I sometimes do is to test with a browser that I don't usually use and am not normally logged into because I have sometimes tested and thought the links should be working but then realized I was logged in. Another thing to check is to look in Data Processing and see if this id was already used. If there was an interview started with this id I think this error comes up if another attempt is made to use the same ID. Just some quick thoughts that hopefully will help resolve the problem.
AntjeAntje, 2018/09/21 15:58
Thank you for your very useful and prompt feedback David. I was in fact logged in as an admin/super. The link/ id combination is definitely not working. There are no additional spaces, the cases match (I also had another person verify this in case I have missed an error) and Data Processing is clear. One thought, I have set-up survey for various cities. Could it be that EgoWeb2.0 has reached its limit in terms of the number of survey that can be active at a time? This could explain why I did not experience problems with the first two surveys.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/21 16:33
Hmmm...there is no limit. How many surveys are going on? The only time I have encountered a problem like this -- some emails id entries are working but not others -- is when there is some text mismatch problem. The problem with extra spaces, etc. can be on both ends. There can be inadvertent spaces in the authoring section as well as when the participant enters the email id when starting a survey.

Possible trouble shooting -- delete the participant in authoring and re-ad them and try again, give them another email to enter -- it does not have to be an actual email address, it can be a more simplified id. If you are in contact with the respondent (seems like you are?) maybe this will work.

You can send me the link with the email to enter so that I can see what it is doing for myself in case that better helps me help you diagnose.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/21 16:49
I'm wondering what you mean by different cities. I guess I don't know how cities are involved. Do you have EgoWeb installed more than once? I mean is there more than one server? I ask because the links would not matter if people are in different cities. The only way that would matter is if you installed EgoWeb on different servers in different locations and somehow you were looking at what was on one server but the respondent link was pointing to another. I'm just trying to imagine what might be the problem and it occurred to me that I didn't know how cities were involved.
AntjeAntje, 2018/09/21 17:41
Thank you. I just sent you an email. Best, Antje
Sara BartelSara Bartel, 2018/09/08 12:07
I would like to use EgoWeb 2.0 in an online format where I am able to email participants links to complete the survey at home without them having to come into the lab. I see that I can create an individualized link for each participant when I add them to the pre-defined participant link; however, this link does not appear to work for anyone who does not have the software downloaded. Is there a way to get around this issue? Is it possible to have participants complete the questionnaire on their own computers without a researcher?
Thank you!
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/20 18:41
I thought I answered this over email but maybe not. Sorry for the delay in responding.

The option to send links to participants does not require them to download and install the software. Even if they do that is not how it works. It works via a web browser so no installation required. However, if the EgoWeb you are using to send the links is installed on a laptop/desktop computer that is not a web server (people cannot see it via their own web browser) you can't send them links. It needs to be installed on a web server, so something like AWS or some other virtual host or if you are working somewhere where a server can be set up, etc. I use a service called Linode. This of course requires some web server set up expertise. There are instructions here for setting up a Linode server.
ArolinArolin, 2018/09/06 07:05
I've recently tried to download EgoWeb 2.0 for a project but after following the instructions and opening "localhost" the page reveals an error with nothing loading on the page but "CDbException". Any advice to resolving the issue will be very much appreciated. I'm new to Javascript. Thank you.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/06 09:56
If you are using a Mac, we just fixed the instructions. MAMP was no longer working well with Mac OS so we changed the instructions to use AMPPS. A few users who had this problem were able to get going with the new instructions.
ArolinArolin, 2018/09/08 06:50
Hi David,

Thank you so much for the swift reply. I have been able to get it going on my Windows machine, but am now faced with a new problem.
I am unable to send the link to participants for a web-based interview. I've looked through the "advanced feature" instructions and noticed that it says "This feature works for server installations of EgoWeb 2.0. If you have an EgoWeb 2.0 installation URL that starts with “localhost” you have a PC or Mac install and will not be able to send these links to participants." Does this mean that I wouldn't be able to invite my participants to an online study? What should I do in order to invite participants to fill out an online survey through EgoWeb. Thank you so much for your time and patience. I look forward to your kind advice.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/10 14:25
Yes that is right, you can't invite them if you have the "localhost" installation because when the users click on a url with "localhost" as the domain it will look for something local on their own machine. If you set up egoweb on a server that had access to the internet that is what the links are really for. Others have set up their own serves, mainly at Universities or other research centers, and some have set up Virtual Machines via some commercial service like AWS or Linode. I'm not sure what your technical expertise or access to technical expertise but it is not something that basic users usually know how to do. I learned how to do it on linode with a lot of help. There is something called a "stack script" via linode that can get this up and going quickly but it is difficult keeping the instructions up to date with changes in the operating system and server set ups. It is still a good idea to have some technical help.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/10 14:26
I have considered making some kind of service available but I haven't figured out all of the options available for doing that.
SusanSusan, 2018/07/09 10:29
I have just installed egoweb/mamp on my mac laptop and I keep getting an error that says "CDbException CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection" when I try to go to localhost. Any advice on how I can get egoweb up and going?
KellyKelly, 2018/08/20 13:20
I recently tried to install the latest version of EgoWeb on my new computer for the first time and I am also getting this exact error.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/06 09:58
Sorry for the delay in fixing this. I had no idea what the problem was. The new instructions should work.
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/09/06 09:57
For those using a Mac, we just fixed the instructions. MAMP was no longer working well with Mac OS so we changed the instructions to use AMPPS. A few users who had this problem were able to get going with the new instructions.
Catherine HamiltonCatherine Hamilton, 2018/06/08 14:09
I have my data in the EgoWeb2 in Wikispaces,in which I am having no problem opening and getting to my data. I am trying to get into EgoWeb2 in its new location, however it is not recognizing my email and password. Do I have to create a new account in the "qualintitative" site and import my data into it? If so, how do I do that?

Many thanks, all dissertation data in EgoWeb, Catherine
David KennedyDavid Kennedy, 2018/06/08 15:55
Hi Catherine,

I think you might be picturing this page being integrated with where you are using EgoWeb, but it is not. This is just an informational page. I see that you are registered here with a ufl account. You are probably using a server set up by BEBR or someone else at UF (just guessing based on other people who have contacted me). This new wiki has nothing to do with that (other than it is information for how to use EgoWeb 2.0).

Registering on this page is just so that you can post comments, make edits, etc. I initially had it open and not requiring registration but there was a major wave of spam, so I set it to require registration by default, but it is not necessary to register to see this page and it does not impact where you have been using EgoWeb 2.0.

Hope that helps! I set your registration to "member" which gives you any access you should need to modify pages if you want.
You could leave a comment if you were logged in.
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  • Last modified: 2019/03/16 17:44
  • by wikimain